Berry-Coconut No-bake Cheesecake

You will need:

Special Equipment

Food processor
Spring form pan 8½” (approx)
Baking paper


Brazil nuts (soaked overnight)
Pitted dates
½ cup
2 cups

Cashew-Coconut Layer

Cashew nuts (soaked overnight)
Gluten-free flour mix
Coconut milk
Coconut Oil (Virgin)
Maple syrup
2 cups
1 cup
1 cup
¼ cup
¼ cup

Berry Layer

Frozen blueberries
Frozen cherries
Frozen raspberries
Coconut Oil (Virgin)
Pitted dates
Coconut milk (high fat)
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup
¼ cup
1 cup
¾ cup

What to do:


1. Grease the pan with coconut oil and line with baking paper.
(When using the food processor, pause intermittently to avoid overheating food)

2. Place the brazil nuts in the food processor and blend until sticky.

3. Add the dates and continue to blend until the mixture resembles a bread crumb consistency.

4. Empty the contents of the food processor into the pan. Spread evenly and press firmly.

5. Wash up and place the pan in the freezer while you prepare the next layer.

Cashew-Coconut Layer

1. Place the cashews into the food processor and blend until sticky.

2. Add the rest of the (cashew-coconut layer) ingredients to the food processor and blend until smooth.

3. Take out the pan and empty the contents of the food processor. Spread evenly over the base layer.

4. Wash up and place the pan in the freezer while you prepare the next layer.

Berry Layer

1. Place the frozen berries into the food processor and blend until smooth.

2. Add the dates, coconut oil and coconut milk and blend until there are no visible lumps.

3. Place the pan in the freezer overnight.

Enjoy and let us know what you think of the cake :)